DVD Captures

1st Person Shooter Analysis


The Completely Un-Biased, First Person Shooter Analysis - 2004


By: BlakeStone


With the closing of 2004, PC gamers across the globe saluted what was arguably the best year for first-person, single-player focused games in the history of the industry. First, Crytek brought us Far Cry. This unexpected diamond in the rough displayed innovative, large-scale outdoor game play and impressive A.I.. The long awaited digital horror-show Doom 3, built by first-person shooter legend id Software, featured a dramatic 5.1 soundstage and proved that the “run-and-gun” genre was far from dead, if not a little dark at times. Valve Software’s sequel to 1998’s Half-Life, which many claim to be the best game ever, stormed PCs with its involving story, amazing physics, and believable characters. Closing the year was an Xbox port that was paid little attention to despite critical success. Starbreeze Studios provided a startlingly original prison experience with high production values, Hollywood-class acting, and admirable graphics to boot. Hell, they ALL had graphics worth drooling over. And that is the problem: The graphics cloud one's judgement of these games. That is why I have created this table. These are all great games. However, one game stands out as the best. Without further ado, I provide the evidence...





Far Cry


Doom 3


Half-Life 2


The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay - The Developer’s Cut




Game Title

Mysterious, with a hint of sadness...

Classic. Powerful. Iconic.

Clever as always! Who needs a subtitle?

Official sounding and intimidating, like it’s film counterpart.



Evil Doctor

Dr. Krieger

Dedicated to creating an army mutant ape-men at any cost. Turned himself into a mutant ape-man. Possibly disturbed.



Dr. Betruger

Opened gateway to Hell in the name of science. This yahoo thought he could harness the power of Satan’s minions. Me no think so!

Dr. Breen

Smooth-talking “administrator” of City 17. Populace pacifying speeches almost convinced you to lay down your arms for the good of humankind. Damn he’s good!




Sexy Sidekick

Val Constantine

Nice to look at under a waterfall, but personality seems a bit vacant. Next!



Alyx Vance

Minx in a pair of taut Levis. Character’s high IQ strengthens urge to hit ‘E’ repeatedly when in proximity of buttocks.



So what if she’s just a voice in your head? So what if she might be proof that you’re insane?

Half-Life 2



Condescending turd from the moment he appears on that “conveniently” placed PDA to “help you out”.

Master Sergeant Thomas Kelly

Nothing hurts more than being betrayed by a fellow Marine. What’s more, no matter how fast you humped it to Marine HQ, he always busted your chops for being late!


Dr. Judith Mossman

Was always fighting with Alyx when you first met her. Might have genuinely regretted her devious actions against the Resistance. Bit of a cougar. I’de tap it.

Potentially everyone

What is more fun than being in a prison with homicidal inmates? A whole damn lot of stuff!

Tie - Doom 3 and Far Cry


Jeeps, boats, gliders oh my!

Nothing. Not even a Mars-rover.

Hovercraft and buggy. Why can’t I get in that Combine tank thingy???


Mech-suit eh? Well, it’s better than nothing...

Far Cry

Most Original Weapon


Well what did you expect? Rail guns?


The Soul Cube

I’ll swallow your soul! Literally!

Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator

 (The Gravity Gun)

Now, how to get it to remove Alyx’s pants.


Your fists

Both of them. And you can block attacks as well. Nice.

Half-Life 2

Ludicrous Gibs


None. Unacceptable.




Environmental Interactivity

Grenades + Jeep = Temporary Flight + Landing Upside-down

Flashlight on, flashlight off, flashlight on, flashlight off...

Only game on record which allows player to hurl random crap at people’s heads. God Bless physics.


Riddick can climb boxes! And swing! And that is it.

Half-Life 2

Number of Patches Since Release



“Warning: Steam is having trouble connecting to the servers.”














Half-Life 2



There you have it, as proved by science. I think. I guess. Whatever.



Created Feb. 2005